About Dan Respess

Dan Respess is a student at Kennesaw State University, graduating in May 2023.

He is majoring in Computer Game Design and Development and minoring in SWE 


Formal Resume 

Attached here is Dan Respess's personal resume. 


Work Portfolio

Dan Respess has explored a number of projects relating to game development, software, and coding. Here is a detailed portfolio of these projects.    

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Dan's Spotlights  

Here are a few of Dan Respess's most recent projects:

(Last Updated: Feb 2021) 

Sword & Slither

Born from an one-week game jam, Sword & Slither is a game about a lizard who always dreamed of being a dragon. Dan Respess developed this game with a college friend under the name "Kitchen Synk Studios."  

Demo Available

mesh Decal Stickers 

 Dan Respess has been developing a mesh-based decal projection system to simulate applying stickers to objects.  He plans to use the system in a future personal project.

Demo Coming Soon

Procedural Pixel Art

Dan Respess has been developing a workflow for procedurally creating stylized pixel art textures, using shaders.

Demo Coming Soon

Unity FPS Controller

Dan Respess has been developing a robust FPS Controller in Unity, which he plans to utilize for a number of future projects.

Demo Coming Soon